No.11A, North Street, Raghunatha Puram, Chennai - 600122
Any Question

Have Your Any Question.

'River Aqua Tech' enables you to request for servicesin various categories of appliances such as
• Water Purifier repair - includes RO repair, water filter repair
• Water Purifier service (wet cleaning/preventive maintenance service) - includes RO servicing, water filter servicing
•Once you pay the initial charges, a technician is assigned for visit to troubleshoot any issue or perform regular maintenance (as desired).

River Aqua Tech is a broad term for all types of breakdown and maintenance requests for a variety of appliances Depending on the product category and the type of service availed, your coverage will vary.

Our qualified Service Expert would reach your home for at home service once you request for service. All our experts are background verified too keeping your security in mind.In light of the current COVID 19 pandemic, we are following WHO safety standards such as vaccination, social distancing, wearing masks and gloves. Also, our technicians sanitize every appliance they repair. Prior to the visit, we will share with you the Name & Number of the expert so that you let the right person in.

We have an authorized service network with qualified technicians to handle your product repairs. Our qualified technician would reach your home for doorstep repair service or take the unit to our service center for repairs (in case at home service doesn’t solve the problem).
Any Question

About Our Service.

What is a Water Purifierservice (cleaning/preventive maintenance)?

Cleaning or regular maintenance of appliances are required for appliances which is used on a regular basis. In case of RO service, PMS involves cleaning of Pre-Filter by washing it using water (if the filter is used to the extent, it can't be cleaned, customer might be asked for change of filters).

What do you mean by inspection charges?

In the River Aqua Tech, we offer complete transparency. When it comes to repair, you are required to pay for Labour Charges, Spare Part charges and transportation charges.We understand that you have a right to compare our services with any of our competitors and hence this token inspection fee is charged for us to cover the cost of technician visit and nothing more.

What charges are covered under River Aqua Tech?

Labour charges for doorstep repair of appliance are not covered in River Aqua Tech. For certain appliances, you may only be charged an inspection fee which covers troubleshooting of issue (and not the actual labour cost for repairing the appliances). Cost of spares and transportation is not covered in any of the River Aqua Tech Services in case at home service is not enough and appliance needs to be transported.

What type of spare parts are used for repair?

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How much does this project cost?

OneAssist always uses genuine spares for repair. These spares are procured from authorized dealers or from OEMs and are compatible with the appliance. OneAssist also offers 30-day service guarantee which ensures that we do a quality job. Customer has the choice of procuring the spare parts on his own also, but then customer will not be eligible for OneAssist’s 30-day Service Guarantee.

Do I have a warranty?

We will provide 30-day service guarantee for any spare parts that have been repaired/ replaced in the doorstep repair service.Customer has the choice of procuring the spare parts on his own also, but then you will not be eligible for OneAssist’s 30-day Service Guarantee. In such instance, if the part fails due to any reason customer will be responsible for the same and will have to re-pay to buy that part again.

Contact Us

Get In Touch

Contact Info

Office Address:

No.11A, North Street, Raghunatha Puram, Chennai - 600122

Phone Number


Opening Hour

8.00am - 08.00pm